- https://declanhill.com/strategic-deception-and-the-sporting-world/0 0 Comments 0 Shares
- Global Hub Sports shared a link Governing Bodies Politics Authorities2019-11-06 09:10:35 - Translate -https://amp-irishexaminer-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/amp.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/sport/gaa/gaa-must-provide-leadership-young-people-are-searching-for-948840.htmlNew GAA programme hopes to foster social inclusion in young amid increasing 'bankrupt society'Irish society is bankrupt, fears Pat Daly, who is heading up the new GAA ‘Going Well’ programme aimed at cultivating well-being among secondary school students.AMP-IRISHEXAMINER-COM.CDN.AMPPROJECT.ORG0 0 Comments 0 Shares
- https://aists.org/about/jobs/0 0 Comments 0 Shares
- https://www.prosport.ro/alte-sporturi/tenis/amanda-anisimonva-a-semnat-un-contract-fabulos-cu-nike-dovada-ca-americanii-au-cei-mai-buni-scouteri-la-tenis-189414020 0 Comments 0 Shares
- https://www.sportenstrategie.nl/vacatures/nieuwe-vacatures-in-de-sport-bij-knhb-wsdh-en-gelderse-sportfederatie/?x-craft-preview=0opOhargV3&token=TJ-44_O58SyB7fYTfBDgzKOnOU7LD__QNieuwe vacatures in de sport bij: KNHB, WSDH en Gelderse…Wie op zoek is naar een (nieuwe) baan in de sport of een openstaande vacature heeft, kan terecht op werkenindesport.nl. Het HR platform biedt naast vacatures een bundeling van informatie over werk en werkgeverschap in de sport. Wekelijks worden er op Sport & Strategie drie interessante vacatures…WWW.SPORTENSTRATEGIE.NL0 0 Comments 0 Shares
- A well-known tennis player will play for another country
Photo: Instagram / Alja Tomljanovic
Tennis player Alja Tomljanovic, ranked 51st in the WTA standings, decided to represent a new country.
Starting this month, Tomljanovic will move to the Fed Cup for the Australian team.
Tomljanovici has received Australian citizenship since 2014, but the International Tennis Federation has not allowed him to represent the country from Antipozi until now.
Eventually, the Tennis Federation of Australia managed to convince the ITF to let Tomljanovich play for a new country.
The 26-year-old athlete was born in Zagreb, but preferred to represent Australia because she has better conditions in this country.
She also played for Croatia in the Fed Cup, including against Simona Halep.
Australia's debut will take place in November at the Fed Cup final against France.
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http://m.ziare.com/tenis/o-tenismena-cunoscuta-va-juca-pentru-o-alta-tara-1584443-font3.A well-known tennis player will play for another country Photo: Instagram / Alja Tomljanovic Tennis player Alja Tomljanovic, ranked 51st in the WTA standings, decided to represent a new country. Starting this month, Tomljanovic will move to the Fed Cup for the Australian team. Tomljanovici has received Australian citizenship since 2014, but the International Tennis Federation has not allowed him to represent the country from Antipozi until now. Eventually, the Tennis Federation of Australia managed to convince the ITF to let Tomljanovich play for a new country. The 26-year-old athlete was born in Zagreb, but preferred to represent Australia because she has better conditions in this country. She also played for Croatia in the Fed Cup, including against Simona Halep. Australia's debut will take place in November at the Fed Cup final against France. Continue on http://m.ziare.com/tenis/o-tenismena-cunoscuta-va-juca-pentru-o-alta-tara-1584443-font3.O tenismena cunoscuta va juca pentru o alta taraTenismena Alja Tomljanovic, aflata pe locul 51 in clasamentul WTA, a hotarat sa reprezinte o noua tara.M.ZIARE.COM0 0 Comments 0 Shares - EXCLUSIVE Great Boris Becker, GSP's no-holds-barred interview: "Give me back my age of 25 and fight with anyone" + why he didn't become Simona Halep's coach
Article by - Marius Mărgărit , Luminița Paul Wednesday, 06 November
The great German champion Boris Becker (51 years old) says that a great player always finds a way to win, no matter the era. He also explains why there was no question to be the coach of Simona Halep.
People like him always have something interesting to say. Something to clarify, whether it's past or present. An opinion that holds weight because it is offered by someone who has a complex career behind, paved with historical successes, but also sprinkled with moments of companionship, with ups and downs.
He is used to the camera - he stares straight into the video from time to time, facing it as if - and with the microphone. That's why his gestures are wide, slow, but measured. And the answers come promptly, from the depth of all his knowledge about tennis.
Present in Bucharest as guest of honor at the Superbet Rapid & Blitz chess tournament, the sixth stage of the Grand Chess Tour, hosted by the Stejarii Country Club in Bucharest, on November 6-10, Becker spoke for GSP on sensitive topics.
He explained why the problem was not posed to be the coach of Simona Halep, why he always got along well with the Romanians, which is the nature of the relationship with his former coach, Gunther Bosch, and at the end he released a statement that shows his unwavering love for the sport that brought him to the attention of the world: "Give me back the age of 25 and I will fight with anyone!".
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https://www.gsp.ro/sporturi/tenis/exclusiv-marele-boris-becker-interviu-fara-secrete-pentru-gsp-dati-mi-inapoi-varsta-de-25-de-ani-si-ma-bat-cu-oricine-de-ce-nu-a-devenit-antrenorul-simonei-halep-582152.htmlEXCLUSIVE Great Boris Becker, GSP's no-holds-barred interview: "Give me back my age of 25 and fight with anyone" + why he didn't become Simona Halep's coach Article by - Marius Mărgărit , Luminița Paul Wednesday, 06 November The great German champion Boris Becker (51 years old) says that a great player always finds a way to win, no matter the era. He also explains why there was no question to be the coach of Simona Halep. People like him always have something interesting to say. Something to clarify, whether it's past or present. An opinion that holds weight because it is offered by someone who has a complex career behind, paved with historical successes, but also sprinkled with moments of companionship, with ups and downs. He is used to the camera - he stares straight into the video from time to time, facing it as if - and with the microphone. That's why his gestures are wide, slow, but measured. And the answers come promptly, from the depth of all his knowledge about tennis. Present in Bucharest as guest of honor at the Superbet Rapid & Blitz chess tournament, the sixth stage of the Grand Chess Tour, hosted by the Stejarii Country Club in Bucharest, on November 6-10, Becker spoke for GSP on sensitive topics. He explained why the problem was not posed to be the coach of Simona Halep, why he always got along well with the Romanians, which is the nature of the relationship with his former coach, Gunther Bosch, and at the end he released a statement that shows his unwavering love for the sport that brought him to the attention of the world: "Give me back the age of 25 and I will fight with anyone!". Continue on https://www.gsp.ro/sporturi/tenis/exclusiv-marele-boris-becker-interviu-fara-secrete-pentru-gsp-dati-mi-inapoi-varsta-de-25-de-ani-si-ma-bat-cu-oricine-de-ce-nu-a-devenit-antrenorul-simonei-halep-582152.htmlEXCLUSIV Marele Boris Becker, interviu fără secrete pentru GSP: „Dați-mi înapoi vârsta de 25 de ani și mă bat cu oricine” + de ce nu a devenit antrenorul Simonei HalepEXCLUSIV Marele Boris Becker, interviu fără secrete pentru GSP: „Dați-mi înapoi vârsta de 25 de ani și mă bat cu.WWW.GSP.RO0 0 Comments 0 Shares - https://youtu.be/uuJALXEOp3s0 0 Comments 0 Shares