• Exemptions Physical Education. Răzvan Buşneag, INMS director, alarm signal: It is illegal!

    Reader Răzvan Buşneag, director of the National Institute of Sports Medicine, sounded an alarm signal, regarding the school exemptions from Physical Education and Sport, during the event "UPGRADE ROMANIA: HEALTH BY SPORTS. SPORTS, THE GOLDEN MINE OF THE ECONOMY", organized by DC Media Group.

    "There are many children who, biologically, are not equipped to make the respective scales that give, in the end, the final grade. As we know, in the eighth grade, in capacity, the average of grades 5-8 counts, in high school it has a weight important and very many children who have special qualities, not being talented in sports, risk of being lowered by the average they cannot go on. For this reason the parents go and ask to be exempted, "said Răzvan Buşneag, director of the National Institute of Sports Medicine.

    "Sports exemptions are given retroactively, which is illegal"

    "It is a law, an order 520 of 2007, which says that the exemptions of physical education and sports are given by the school doctor or by the family doctor. Both can only be given as a result of evidence, hospital discharge tickets or certain items sent. Specialist doctors to prove that the child is suffering The family doctors do not know the regulations very well and do not know that this exemption can be given totally or partially, annually, semi-annually or periodically, and the students who do not do physical education. or sports are required to stay in the hall.

    Sports exemptions are given retroactively, which is illegal. No document can be given retroactively. How is this happening? The legislation is not very well known or is circumvented by the specialist doctor, who often gives fictitious diagnoses, and by the family doctor, who has no basis in the back, certain medical documents that require this, "he said. Răzvan Buşneag.
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  • Message for a handball player from a great player: "Only at 29 I learned to play left inter"
    11.12.2019, 10:35

    Carmen Amariei , the current coach of the Rapid team , was one of the important interiors of Romania. Invited to Digi Sport Matinal, Carmen, 41, spoke about what is happening with the national team at the Women's Handball World Cup in Japan.

    Carmen Amariei scored almost 1,000 goals for the Romanian national / Photo: Capture Digi Sport

    The player with almost 200 matches and more than 850 goals for the Romanian national is not necessarily disappointed by the results of the girls at the CM in Japan , especially by the times when they give up completely in front of their opponents.

    Carmen Amariei believes that the Romanian nationals have moments of total fall
    Carmen Amariei believes that it is a mental problem of our players, which we must learn to overcome. And that players, in any sport, must have the openness to learn as long as they activate.

    " At one point I moved to Denmark, to Slagelse. And after I got there, coach Anjia Andersen told me that she does not need a left interim, that there is Bojana Popovic. And that she needs a right inter.

    And when he saw that I had my eyes wide, he told me that a handball player must know how to play the same on the entire 9-meter line, regardless of position. And to see me, at the age of 29, I was training with Bojana Popovic on the wall. I had asked her to teach me an execution of hers, because she somehow threw her wrist (no from her wrist).

    It took me six months to learn. And when I came to the lot, the coaches told me that they wanted to play right. I said, yes, I'm in the gate. I want to tell the players that they are not learning until they are 21-22 years old. They must have the desire to learn their entire career. That I hear 'I don't know how to play left or right defender'. Believe me, I'm not good at football and it annoys me to hear them , "said Carmen Amariei at Digi Sport Matinal.

    By qualifying in the main round at the current CM and with the presence in the semifinals at the European Championship of 2018, Romania ensured its presence at the pre-Olympic tournament, but the fact that we lost to Russia and Sweden will give us an infernal route to qualifying for the 2020 Olympics. .

    Oltchim, ESBF Handball, Randers, Slagelse, U Jolidon, Brasov Bearing, FCK Handbold, Hypo, Viborg, Terom Iasi and SCM Craiova are the teams that Carmen Amariei has evolved.
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    Mesaj pentru handbaliste de la o mare jucătoare: "Abia la 29 de ani am învăţat să joc inter drept"
    Carmen Amariei, actualul antrenor al echipei Rapid, a fost unul dintre interii importanţi ai României. Invitată la Digi Sport Matinal, Carmen, 41 de ani, a vorbit despre ce se întâmplă cu echipa naţională la Mondialul de handbal feminin din Japonia.
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  • https://www.lequipe.fr/Tennis/Actualites/Imatches-de-tennis-truques-un-joueur-du-top-30-mondial-implique/1090669
    Matches de tennis truqués : un joueur du top 30 mondial impliqué ? - Tennis - ATP
    Selon les médias allemands ZDF et « Die Welt », un membre du top 30 mondial ferait partie des 135 joueurs impliqués dans un nouveau scandale de matches de tennis truqués.
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