• Dirk Nowitzki IN TEARS After Spurs Tribute Video! Final NBA Game
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  • Breakdance
    Jean-Laurent Bourquin : la breakdance, « à la fois du sport et de l'art »

    De passage à Paris, Jean-Laurent Bourquin, directeur général de la Fédération internationale de danse sportive (WDSF), a assisté à notre conférence de rédaction avant de répondre à nos questions.
    Jean-Laurent Bourquin : la breakdance, « à la fois du sport et de l'art »
    De passage à Paris, Jean-Laurent Bourquin, directeur général de la Fédération internationale de danse sportive (WDSF), a assisté à notre conférence de rédaction avant de répondre à nos questions..
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  • Surf CT (Hommes)
    Surf - CT : le calendrier de la saison 2019
    Publié le vendredi 8 mars 2019 à 12:07 | Mis à jour le 09/04/2019 à 14:18
    La saison 2019 va débuter le 3 avril à Coolangatta sur la Gold Coast et se terminera comme de tradition en décembre à Hawaii. La manche française, à Hossegor, se tiendra du 3 au 13 octobre.
    Surf - CT : le calendrier de la saison 2019
    La saison 2019 va débuter le 3 avril à Coolangatta sur la Gold Coast et se terminera comme de tradition en décembre à Hawaii..
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  • Picture of the day
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  • VIDEO SUPERB LESSON MADE BY TENNIS COACH German Puentes. Sometimes a coach need to do this to wake up her student.
    "Do you want to put my dress and play?" ...
    VIDEO Moment șocant la meciul Anei Bogdan! Antrenorul a făcut-o praf pe teren: „Vrei să-mi pun rochia și să joc eu?”
    VIDEO Moment șocant la meciul Anei Bogdan! Antrenorul a făcut-o praf pe teren: „Vrei să-mi pun rochia și să joc eu?”
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    Ronnie O'Sullivan beats the record for the record and hurts Stephen Hendry: "I hope he does not take the World Championship"

    Ronnie O'Sullivan scores record record in professional snooker, but most of them belong to a single man, Scottish Hendry, who was withdrawn from work in 2012.

    Englishman O'Sullivan, 43, and newly reinstated in the world leader in snooker , equaled Hendry with the number of tournaments won, 36, overtaken a number of more than a hundred successful breaks , being the only player on 1000, and has more trophies in the Triple Crown (Snooker CM, UK and Northern Ireland and Masters), with 19, one in addition to the Scottish rival.

    Asked by Metro.co.uk, Stephen Hendry was honest:

    "I would lie if I said I was not annoyed. I fought in my career to break down Steve Davis's records, but when you see someone else beating your records you feel regret. The breaks, the maximum number of breaks or tournament winnings, it is clear that all of this will be over. But the big prize is the World Championship, let's see if Ronnie manages to cross me there. Honestly, I hope he does not succeed. "

    Stephen Hendry has seven wins at the Crucible, where the World Snooker Championship is underway, while Ronnie O'Sullivan has 5 trophies.

    The World Snooker World Championship starts on April 20 and lasts for two weeks. The competition will be submitted by Eurosport.

    Who wins snooker CM?

    Ronnie O'Sullivan

    Mark Selby

    Neil Robertson

    John Higgins

    Judd Trump

    Mark Williams

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  • Tennis
    Bianca Andreescu recovers after a shoulder injury and is at home this time in Canada. The 18-year-old sportsman says he will take advantage of this period to try to get back to school.

    Early success in tennis came with sacrifices for Bianca Andreescu. At the age of 18, the tennismena of Canada has left school second and now has a lot to recover. To be able to match the lost time, Bianca must now take three difference exams. Otherwise, they could not give the tests that are the equivalent of the Bachelor.

    World number 23, Bianca is injured during this period and says she will take advantage and try to recover from what she has lost at school:

    "Now is a good time for me to be home. I have not been home for a while, because I played a lot of tennis. So maybe it's a good thing. I will remain positive throughout the recovery process [...] I really want to graduate from high school because I do not know what will happen after my career in tennis or during her career. Perhaps I would like to do some online courses, " said Bianca Andreescu for sportsnet.ca.


    Milionara fără BAC. Dezvăluire surprinzatoare făcută de Bianca Andreescu, la revenirea în ţară
    Bianca Andreescu se recuperează după o accidentare suferită la umăr şi se află în această perioadă acasă, în Canada. Sportiva de 18 ani spune că va profita de această perioadă pentru a încerca să recupereze la şcoală.
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  • VIDEO | Blood, many punches and fulfilled dreams! UFC has appointed new champions. The threat of Khabib Nurmagomedov
    VIDEO | Blood, many punches and fulfilled dreams! UFC has appointed new champions. The threat of Khabib Nurmagomedov
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    today, 10:00
    UFC 236 was a historic gala for the most important joint martial arts company. Two new champions were crowned Sunday morning after two violent fights that were decided by the jury.

    In the co-main event of the gala, Kelvin Gastelum, 27, and Israel Adesanya, 29, fought for the interim middleweight title. Nigerian Adesanya was forced by unanimous decision, after the last round of the fight was one step to knockout his opponent. The former kickboxer's performance is even more impressive because it's only 15 months in the UFC. Adesanya is going to fight with Robert Whittaker, the midfielder who is currently injured to nominate a definitive champion in this division.

    The main event of the Atlanta gala was at least on the same level as the previous fight. For the interim title in the lightweight category, Max Holloway, 27, and Dustin Poirier, 30, were beaten. It was a real war sprawled over five rounds, in which the two wrestlers carried a lot of punches and kicks. Holloway, bloody in the end, failed to become a double champion, being the "king" of the feud. Poirier has won points and will face Khabib Nurmagomedov for the undisputed title of the category. Dagestan's "eagle" is currently suspended after attacking Conor McGregor's staff at the end of his struggle in 2018, but has sent a message to the new interim champion: "I do not agree with the jury, 49:46, I think it was equal, I respect both fighters, and what Poirier has done up to now can not be disputed." Congratulations Dustin, see you in September! , the Russian said in a Twitter post.

    Sânge, mulţi pumni şi visuri împlinite! UFC şi-a desemnat noi campioni. Ameninţarea lui Khabib Nurmagomedov
    UFC 236 a fost o gală istorică pentru cea mai importantă companie arte marţiale mixte. Doi noi campioni au fost încoronaţi duminică dimineaţă, după două lupte violente care au fost decise de juriu.
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  • Jokic's entry into the legend, joined Medzik and Lebron, was not enough! Kari as a machine, take Orlando out of America!
    Nikola Jokic debuted in the playoff triple-dabl, but there is nothing to rejoice. Kary skipped Alen, now the best troika in history. Surprise in Canada!

    Disappointment in Colorado, the "Pepsi Center" has silenced, this was a good lesson, San Antonio made a break and took the start of the play-of-the series.

    Nikola Jokić made a triple-dbl. 10 points, 14 rebounds and assist.

    Denver had a lot of problems at the start of the match, both teams were badly kicking, but 29% of Nagets in the first quarter were the announcement of heavy nights. Texans had a lead, Denver was hit by an opponent, the hall exploded in the last quarter when the host finally started to hit something, scored a point, but the more experienced guests managed to win.

    Nikola Jokic became the third player in the history who made this feat in the playoffs, in the great company, Medzhik Johnson, Lebron and Johnny McCarty (this third did it almost 60 years ago).

    Denver will need a better performance in the next match, in the end, six of the 28 players missed out of 28, missed eight throws, and even Spurs did not celebrate with a shot, with 18 points DeRozana, 15 Oldringa eventually came to victory.

    Golden State was safe against Klipers, 38 points, 15 rebounds, 7 assists by Stef Kari, literally scattered guests from El-Ey, hit eight triples, crossed Reyes Alen on an eternal list of the best troika in the play-history. In the first half Clippers kept Harel 26, and Lu Williams 25 points played well and kept the guests in the game, but the first half ended with a series of 18: 5 domestic players, who still went off +11 on vacation.

    It was also the key, below. The clippers were catching the connector, but there was a difference in quality. Durant added 23 points, Grin with 17, he had 7 rebounds and assists, he and Kazins made six mistakes, but in the end, even 21 lost balls did not affect the champions.

    We saw Brock in Canada, Orlando started the season in a great way. Medzhik is now, counting matches outside of America, at 4: 1, obviously pleasing to them when crossing the border. Di-Jay Ogastin hit the key three in the finish and crashed the favored Repertoire.

    Medzik returned to the playoffs after seven years, apparently in great form, in the finish of the regular season, they received 11 out of 13 matches and came to the playoffs. Toronto was scared of this match, rightly Orlando has been lately playing well against the strong teams.

    It is even more valuable victory, given that Vucevic was stopped, he finished with 11 points and 8 rebounds, that Ross also stayed 10 points. But Ogastin took on 25, Furnier added 16, the whole team gave a full contribution, they played a great defense, made Toronto to sin at crucial moments. The Canadians missed five throws, at the end of the host's guests, followed by another sword in Canada that Reptors simply have to get.

    In the first match of the day, the surprise in Philadelphia where Brooklyn led to the start of the play series.

    Toronto - Orlando 101: 104 (0: 1)
    Philadelphia - Brooklyn 102: 111 (0: 1)
    Denver - San Antonio 96: 101 (0: 1)
    Golden State - LA Clippers 121: 104 (1: 0)
    Jokićev ulazak među legende, priključio se Medžiku i Lebronu, nije bilo dovoljno! Kari kao mašina, čuvaj se Orlanda van Amerike!
    Nikola Jokić debitovao u doigravanju tripl-dablom, ali nema čemu da se raduje. Kari preskočio Alena, sada je najbolji trojkaš u istoriji. Iznenađenje u Kanadi!
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  • 12 Aprilie 2009, ziua celui mai mare scandal din istoria recenta a rugbyului.

    Cu 10 ani in urma rugbyul era zguduit de probabil cea mai mare controversa din istoria sa moderna. Un duel anglo-irlandez in sferturile de finala Heineken Cup (actuala European Rugby Champions Cup) intre Harlequins Rugby Union si Leinster Rugby a ramas in istorie nu pentru ca a fost un meci spectaculos, din contra - irlandezii au castigat cu doar 6-5, ci pentru cu totul alte motive. Pe final de meci aripa lui Quins, Tom Williams, a acuzat faptul ca sangereaza si a fost inlocuit de Nick Evans, desi acesta deja parasise terenul la inceputul reprizei secunde. Cum a devenit o banala schimbare de jucatori drept cel mai infam moment din rugbyul modern?

    Sunt ultimele minute ale meciului de pe Twickenham Stoop, echipa gazda Harlequins Rugby Union este condusa cu un singur punct de catre irlandezii de la Leinster Rugby, multumita celor doua lovituri de pedeapsa transformate de argentinianul Contepomi in prima repriza, in timp ce pentru englezi eseul lui Mike Brown a adus cele 5 puncte din dreptul lui Quins. Chris Malone a ratat insa transformarea eseului din minutul 66, care i-ar fi adus echipa in avantaj, iar 6 minute mai tarziu, Mike Brown nu a reusit nici el sa o duca pe Quins in avantaj, ratand o lovitura de pedeapsa. Harlequins il avea in echipa pe unul dintre cei mai buni suteuri din lume la acea ora, neo-zeelandezul Nick Evans, insa acesta parasise terenul accidentat in startul reprizei secunde. Chiar si asa, stafful lui Quins a decis ca acesta ar fi cea mai buna solutie pentru ca echipa sa puna pe tabela cele 3 puncte care sa ii aduca victoria, insa el nu mai putea reintra in joc decat in cazul accidentarii unuia dintre cei XV aflati deja pe teren.

    Accidentarea mult dorita a venit, atunci cand Dean Richards, directorul sportiv al lui Quins, le-a semnalat arbitrilor faptul ca jucatorul sau Tom Williams si-a spart buza si are nevoie de tratament pentru a i se opri sangerarea. Dupa o consultatie scurta, arbitrul galez Mike Dean isi da acordul ca Evans sa revina pe teren, in ciuda protestelor celor de pe banca lui Leinster, care au mirosit ca ceva nu este in regula cu aceasta situatie. Evans reintra schiopatand iar cu mai putin de un minut inainte de finalul partidei, acesta prinde la jumatatea terenului un balon degajat de irlandezi din propria zona de 5 metri, inainteaza cativa pasi pregatindu-si sutului pe care il trimite in disperare de la mare distanta catre buturile lui Leinster, insa balonul ocoleste de putin tinta, spulberand sperantele englezilor la calificare.

    Ce s-a intamplat de fapt in momentul reintrarii in teren a lui Nick Evans a depasit imaginatia tuturor. Intrat pe teren pentru a ii acorda ingrijiri, fizioterapeutul lui Harlequins i-a introdus in jambiera lui Tom Williams o capsula cu sange fals, instruindu-l ca la momentul oportun sa si-o sparga in gura pentru a simula o sangerare. Williams a fost apoi protagonistul unei ciocniri mai contondente iar cand jocul a fost intrerupt a ingenuncheat, si-a scos capsula din jambiera si a muscat-o, umplandu-si gura de sangele artificial. In momentul schimbarii, cativa oameni din stafful lui Leinster au mirosit ca ceva nu este in regula, chiar jucatorul Shane Horgan strigand repetat "Nu este sange adevarat." Doctorul lui Leinster l-a urmarit pe Williams pe tunelul catre vestiare, cerand sa ii examineze buza, insa a fost refuzat de stafful lui Harlequins. In vestiar, doctorul lui Quins, Wendy Chapman, i-a taiat lui Williams buza cu un bisturiu, pentru a ascunde faptul ca acesta nu suferise nici o rana.

    Aceste evenimente au declansat o vasta ancheta din partea European Rugby Cup (organizatoarea Heineken Cup) si Rugby Football Union (forul conducător al rugbyului englez), care a ajuns pana la urma la concluzia ca cei de la Harlequins au incercat sa triseze in partida cu Leinster, folosindu-se de acest tertip. Ba mai mult, s-a aflat ca Harlequins mai folosise in trecut aceasta practica in alte 4 meciuri. Sanctiunile au fost drastice: Williams a fost suspendat 4 luni (initial 12 dar pedapsa a fost redusa la apel), directorul sportiv Dean Richards, cel care fusese creierul acestor operatiuni, a fost suspendat si el 3 ani, iar fizioterapeutul Steph Brennan 2 ani, in timp ce clubul a primit o amenda de 260.000 lire sterline. Ca urmare a scandalului iscat, Charles Jillings, presedintele lui Harlequins, si-a dat demisia, iar doctorul clubului Wendy Chapman a fost suspendata si ea de Colegiul Medical din Regatul Unit pentru faptul ca i-a taiat in mod intentionat buza lui Tom Williams.

    Scandalul Bloodgate, asa cum a fost denumit de catre presa, este cu siguranta un episod care nu face cinste rugbyului, dar care trebuie totusi povestit pentru a nu mai fi repetat. Uitarea unui astfel de scandal, sau ascunderea lui sub pres ar insemna renuntarea la vigilenta care mai pastreaza inca integritatea rugbyului, unul dintre cele mai fair-play sporturi practicate astazi.
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