• These are the ten German teams
    With ten teams, the German Volleyball Federation (DVV) goes on Friday in the home World Cup. Six managed the qualification over the seed, four start with wildcard. After a hitherto mixed season, the German beach volleyball ladies go to defending champion Laura Ludwig only with outsider chances in the medal fight. For the men, the experts trust the rising duo Thole / Wickler a surprise. The German World Cup duos briefly presented (#Place in the seedling list):

    Julius Thole and Clemens Wickler
    The duo trusts the experts to a surprise: Julius Thole and Clemens Wickler. imago images

    Laura Ludwig (33) / Margareta Kozuch (32): Olympic champion Ludwig is back after maternity leave. After partner Kira Walkenhorst had to stop, still missing with ex-hall player Kozuch stability. # 30

    Karla Borger (30) / Julia Sude (31): The Stuttgart duo has a lot of experience, can refer to national titles and World Cup silver (Borger 2013). Also only since January a team. Goal Olympia 2020. # 19

    Sandra Ittlinger (25) / Chantal Laboureur (29): Laboureur was number one in the world in 2018, then Sude parted ways with her. The new Berlin-Stuttgart station wagon wants to show that it is not a stopgap solution. #1*

    Victoria Bieneck (28) / Isabel Schneider (27): Both have matured at the base in Hamburg to the champion duo. With national coach Imornefe Bowes, life partner of Laura Ludwig, now greater success. # 25

    Kim Behrens (26) / Cinja Tillmann (27): Behrens had to reorientate after separating from Ittlinger. Tillmann convinced so far on the national tour. At World Cup premiere blatant outsider. # 23

    Leonie Körtzinger (22) / Sarah Schneider (23): Above all, the native Kieler Körtzinger is considered by the DVV as a future hope. Last year, the block specialist gained experience with Kira Walkenhorst. # 39

    Julius Thole (22) / Clemens Wickler (24): The discovery of the previous year: Semifinals at the World Tour Final in the adopted city of Hamburg and German champions. Now number twelve in the world. # 12

    Nils Ehlers (25) / Lars Flüggen (29): The 2.11 meter tall Ehlers only changed in 2016 in the sand. Last stopped by an injury. Flüggen already has Olympic experience from 2016 (19th). # 40

    Philipp Arne Bergmann (28) / Yannick Harms (25): Second and third place in the national title fights are the best so far. Internationally, the national team training in Hamburg is struggling for connection. # 30

    Jonathan Erdmann (31) / Sven Winter (21): Veteran Erdmann gets his fifth World Cup by injuring Alexander Walkenhorst. In 2013, he was third with Kay Matysik. Winter is considered a great talent. # 33

    * The top-placed host team in the top twelve in the world rankings will be placed at position 1 at the World Championships
    Continue on https://www.kicker.de/752203/artikel/das-sind-die-zehn-deutschen-teams
    Das sind die zehn deutschen Teams | Mehr Sport - kicker
    Mit zehn Teams geht der Deutsche Volleyball-Verband (DVV) am Freitag in die Heim-WM. Sechs schafften die Qualifikation über die Setzliste, vier starten mit Wildcard. Nach bisher durchwachsener Saison gehen die deutschen Beachvolleyball-Damen um Titelverteidigerin Laura Ludwig nur mit Außenseiterchancen in den Medaillenkampf. Bei den Männern trauen die Experten dem Aufsteiger-Duo Thole/Wickler eine Überraschung zu. Die deutschen WM-Duos kurz vorgestellt (#Platz in der Setzliste): - kicker
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    Sensation: Teen Gauff beats former champion Venus Williams

    On later Monday night, history was truly written in the traditional All England Lawn Tennis Club at Wimbledon - even if it was just a first-round match. But the victory of the only 15-year-old Cori Gauff against the 39-year-old Venus Williams not only touched the audience.

    Cori Gauff
    This is what happier winners look like: Cori Gauff beat Venus Williams. Getty Images

    Because the US Supertalent has beaten at their Grand Slam premiere in Wimbledon with Venus Williams one of their great role models and reached the second round. The 15-year-old prevailed in the generation duel against the 24-year-old seven times major winner 6: 4 and 6: 4.

    Gauff is considered the biggest talent in women's tennis at the moment. The sisters Serena and Venus Williams call them their idols. About the qualification Gauff had reached as the youngest player of the open era (since 1968) the main draw at the grass classic in London.
    Discover more on https://www.kicker.de/752419/artikel/sensation_teenie-gauff-schlaegt-ex-champion-venus-williams
    Sensation: Teenie Gauff schlägt Ex-Champion Venus Williams | Tennis - kicker
    Am späteren Montagabend wurde im traditionsreichen All England Lawn Tennis Club zu Wimbledon wahrlich Geschichte geschrieben - auch wenn es nur um ein Erstrunden-Match handelte. Aber der Sieg der erst 15-jährigen Cori Gauff gegen die 39-jährige Venus Williams rührte nicht nur das Publikum. - kicker
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  • Beach Volleyball World Championships in Hamburg
    Thole / Wickler in knockout round - Borger / Sude group winners

    The acclimatization at the biggest tournament of their career so far, the World Cup newcomers Thole and Wickler is not quite successful. Nevertheless, the German hopefuls stand at the Beach World Cup already in the knockout round. Borger / Sude continue as group winners.

    Well dredged: Thole / Wickler moved into the round of the last 32.
    Well dredged: Thole / Wickler moved into the round of the last 32. imago images

    The debutants Julius Thole and Clemens Wickler can not completely shake off their nervousness yet. But with the second victory in the second game, the German champions have already booked the ticket for the knockout round at the beach volleyball World Cup as the men's first host team. "We are satisfied with the results, we still want to work on our game, there is still room for improvement," said 2.0-meter-tall Thole. The second national team, Nils Ehlers and Lars Flüggen (Hamburg), missed the premature entry into the all-or-nothing phase.

    Thole / Wickler defeated Iranian Bahman Salemiinjehboroun and Arash Vakili 2-0 at Hamburg Hamburger Rothenbaum (21:18, 22:20). As with the 2-0 win against Rwanda, however, they did not succeed as new German hopefuls in suppressing the excitement in front of the home crowd and even had to go into extra time in the second set. "We have to take that a bit further, we already notice that many eyes are on us," said 22-year-old block player Thole: "But the second victory at the first home World Cup, and then in their own city , is cool."

    Borger / Sude in shape
    Karla Borger and Julia Sude go as group winners in the knockout round and hope so in the round of the last 32 on a lighter from the paper ago her opponent. The Stuttgart national duo, newly formed in January, defeated fifth-placed US Americans April Ross and Alexandra Klineman 2-1 (21:15, 21:23, 15:10). It was the third victory in the third group game. "This shows that our whole team has worked properly," said blocker Sude: "But the World Cup is really starting with the knockout round."

    We are just realizing what it is about us. We talk a lot with our psychologist.
    Thole / Wickler had surprisingly finished fourth at the World Tour final in Hamburg in the previous year, meanwhile the duo is in twelfth place in the world ranking list. "We just know what's going on with us, we talk a lot with our psychologist," Thole said. In the final spurt against Iran, they were at least "not in a rush", said Wickler: "We had a tight situation at such a big tournament yet, the experience can help us here again."

    Ehlers ultimately blocks in vain
    Ehlers / Flüggen gambled away a possible second win in the second game against the Russians Nikita Liamin and Taras Miskjew by too many flaws. Nine sensational blocking points of the 2.10 meter Ehlers did not help. "This is the whole season so that we make life hard for good performance," said the Hamburg Flüggen, but confidently added: "I'm not worried that it continues after the group stage for us."

    Chantal Laboureur (Stuttgart) lost with Sandra Ittlinger (Berlin) after two previously won games against the Italians Marta Menegatti and Viktoria Orsi Toth with 0: 2 (17:21, 15:21), so they are still in the group. Victoria Bieneck and Isabel Schneider (Hamburg) recorded their first victory in the third World Cup match, while Leonie Körtzinger and Sarah Schneider (Hamburg) lost in their group for the second time. Both duos could get ahead as third parties over the back door.
    Continue on https://www.kicker.de/752482/artikel/thole2fwickler-in-k--o--runde---borger2fsude-gruppensieger
    Thole/Wickler in K.-o.-Runde - Borger/Sude Gruppensieger | Mehr Sport - kicker
    Die Akklimatisierung beim größten Turnier ihrer bisherigen Laufbahn ist den WM-Neulingen Thole und Wickler noch nicht ganz gelungen. Dennoch stehen die deutschen Hoffnungsträger bei der Beach-WM schon in der K.-o.-Runde. Borger/Sude gehen als Gruppensiegerinnen weiter. - kicker
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