- https://www.wtatennis.com/node/247368Halep holds off Andreescu in Shenzhen thriller: 'It was a challenge...a good fight'Wimbledon champion Simona Halep saved a match point to edge US Open winner Bianca Andreescu in a dramatic, three-set clash in the Purple Group at the Shiseido WTA Finals Shenzhen.WWW.WTATENNIS.COM0 0 Comments 0 Shares
- LAST HOUR! Naomi Osaka withdrew from Champions Tournament due to injury to her right shoulder! Who will take his place: the HUGE surprise
Author: Sport.ro
Naomi Osaka retired from the Champions Tournament.
Her place will be taken by the WTA number 10, Dutch Kiki Bertens, as the 9 WTA number, Serena Williams has refused to participate in the Final Tournament.
CONTINUE ON https://m.sport.ro/tenis/ultima-ora-naomi-osaka-s-a-retras-de-la-turneul-campioanelor-din-cauza-unei-accidentari-la-umarul-drept.htmlLAST HOUR! Naomi Osaka withdrew from Champions Tournament due to injury to her right shoulder! Who will take his place: the HUGE surprise Author: Sport.ro Naomi Osaka retired from the Champions Tournament. Her place will be taken by the WTA number 10, Dutch Kiki Bertens, as the 9 WTA number, Serena Williams has refused to participate in the Final Tournament. CONTINUE ON https://m.sport.ro/tenis/ultima-ora-naomi-osaka-s-a-retras-de-la-turneul-campioanelor-din-cauza-unei-accidentari-la-umarul-drept.htmlULTIMA ORA! Naomi Osaka s-a RETRAS de la Turneul Campioanelor din cauza unei accidentari la umarul drept! Cine ii va lua locul: surpriza URIASA | Sport.roLocul sau va fi preluat de numarul 10 WTA, olandeza Kiki Bertens, intrucat numarul 9 WTA, Serena Williams a refuzat participarea la Turneul Final. "Sunt dezamagita ca trebuie sa ma retragM.SPORT.RO0 0 Comments 0 Shares - He was the "new Zidane" and played in the national team of France, but now he has switched to TENIS! Incredible decision of a very well known French player
Author: Sport.ro
Monday October 28, 2019, 1:12 pm
He was the "new Zidane" and played in the national team of France, but now he has switched to TENIS! Unbelievable decision of a well known French player
The Frenchman has been free of contract since January 2019 and is attempting a professional conversion.
Former French international Yoann Gourcuff, a player who has remained free of contract, after signing his contract with Dijon in January 2019, has obtained a license to play tennis in professional competitions. He is legitimized at Larmor Plage Tennis Club, from the town where he lives, and won the first match played in the regional championship.
It is not Gourcouff's first tennis adventure, as a child he hesitated between choosing football or "white sport". In 1998, he even participated in the Super 12 Auray Open junior tournament, which was won by the Spanish Rafael Nadal. He chose football after all, because his father, Christian Gourcouff, is a coach, currently preparing for Nantes. He is not the first footballer to have started in the last years of tennis, a year and a half ago, Paolo Maldini, the former great defender of AC Milan, participating in his first professional tournament.
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https://m.sport.ro/franta/fotbalistul-yoann-gourcuff-a-luat-o-pe-urmele-lui-maldini-si-s-a-apucat-de-tenis.htmlHe was the "new Zidane" and played in the national team of France, but now he has switched to TENIS! Incredible decision of a very well known French player Author: Sport.ro Monday October 28, 2019, 1:12 pm He was the "new Zidane" and played in the national team of France, but now he has switched to TENIS! Unbelievable decision of a well known French player The Frenchman has been free of contract since January 2019 and is attempting a professional conversion. Former French international Yoann Gourcuff, a player who has remained free of contract, after signing his contract with Dijon in January 2019, has obtained a license to play tennis in professional competitions. He is legitimized at Larmor Plage Tennis Club, from the town where he lives, and won the first match played in the regional championship. It is not Gourcouff's first tennis adventure, as a child he hesitated between choosing football or "white sport". In 1998, he even participated in the Super 12 Auray Open junior tournament, which was won by the Spanish Rafael Nadal. He chose football after all, because his father, Christian Gourcouff, is a coach, currently preparing for Nantes. He is not the first footballer to have started in the last years of tennis, a year and a half ago, Paolo Maldini, the former great defender of AC Milan, participating in his first professional tournament. Continue on https://m.sport.ro/franta/fotbalistul-yoann-gourcuff-a-luat-o-pe-urmele-lui-maldini-si-s-a-apucat-de-tenis.htmlA fost "noul Zidane" si a jucat in nationala Frantei, dar acum a trecut la TENIS! Decizie incredibila a unui jucator francez foarte cunoscut | Sport.roFostul international francez Yoann Gourcuff, jucator ramas liber de contract, dupa ce a incheiat contractul cu Dijon, in ianuarie 2019, a obtinut licenta pentru a juca tenis in competitiile profesiM.SPORT.RO0 0 Comments 0 Shares - CEV and AVC to join forces on coaches’ education through EU-funded project
News from the CEV
Luxembourg, October 27, 2019. As the CEV continue their extensive work to grow Volleyball at all levels, there were further good news for the Volleyball family earlier this week after the relevant EU authorities confirmed that the ‘Cooperation between coaches from Euro-Asia’ project will be benefitting from funding through the Mobility and Exchange in Sport Fund.
The project involves the CEV and their Asian counterpart, i.e. the Bangkok-based Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC), as well as the National Federations of Hungary and Slovenia. It is the second time a project designed by the CEV becomes eligible for EU funding, after a similar experience with the ongoing and highly successful CEV School Project ‘Play Volleyball, Grow with it’.
Through the cooperation established by the CEV and AVC, and more specifically by their respective Coaches Commissions and Development Departments, the purpose is to enhance the work of Volleyball coaches, sharing best practices, delivering educational material and establishing a network that will strengthen the communication and cooperation between Volleyball coaches from Europe and Asia.
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https://www.cev.eu/News.aspx?NewsID=29917&ID=1,4,13,14CEV and AVC to join forces on coaches’ education through EU-funded project News from the CEV Luxembourg, October 27, 2019. As the CEV continue their extensive work to grow Volleyball at all levels, there were further good news for the Volleyball family earlier this week after the relevant EU authorities confirmed that the ‘Cooperation between coaches from Euro-Asia’ project will be benefitting from funding through the Mobility and Exchange in Sport Fund. The project involves the CEV and their Asian counterpart, i.e. the Bangkok-based Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC), as well as the National Federations of Hungary and Slovenia. It is the second time a project designed by the CEV becomes eligible for EU funding, after a similar experience with the ongoing and highly successful CEV School Project ‘Play Volleyball, Grow with it’. Through the cooperation established by the CEV and AVC, and more specifically by their respective Coaches Commissions and Development Departments, the purpose is to enhance the work of Volleyball coaches, sharing best practices, delivering educational material and establishing a network that will strengthen the communication and cooperation between Volleyball coaches from Europe and Asia. Continue on https://www.cev.eu/News.aspx?NewsID=29917&ID=1,4,13,14CEV - Confédération Européenne de VolleyballWWW.CEV.EU0 0 Comments 0 Shares - https://www.uefa.com/insideuefa/news/newsid=2630298.htmlNew UEFA mentor programme set to boost female coach numbers | Inside UEFAUEFA is spearheading the drive to increase the number of club and national teams coached by women - thanks to a programme in which experienced coaches are acting as personal mentors to up-and-coming female coaches.WWW.UEFA.COM0 0 Comments 0 Shares
- https://amp-scmp-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/amp.scmp.com/sport/rugby/article/3035173/i-never-thought-i-could-represent-hong-kong-po-leung-kuks-cathy-wongFormer foster care girl now a Hong Kong rugby national team memberFor 18-year-old Cathy Wong, rugby has become her way to a new life and the U19 player appears to be a star in the makingAMP-SCMP-COM.CDN.AMPPROJECT.ORG0 0 Comments 0 Shares
- Global Hub Sports shared a link Governing Bodies Politics Authorities2019-10-29 16:53:38 - Translate -https://www-olympic-org.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.olympic.org/news/amp/united-against-manipulation-of-competitions-ioc-welcomes-a-string-of-new-measures-at-the-international-forum-for-sports-integrityUnited against manipulation of competitions: IOC welcomes a string of new measures at the International Forum for Sports Integrity - Olympic NewsThe third edition of the International Forum for Sports Integrity (IFSI) today brought together key leaders from sports and international organisations.WWW-OLYMPIC-ORG.CDN.AMPPROJECT.ORG0 0 Comments 0 Shares
- Global Hub Sports shared a link Governing Bodies Politics Authorities2019-10-29 16:54:14 - Translate -https://amp-cnn-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/10/24/asia/china-military-world-games-cheating-intl-hnk-scli/index.htmlChinese team disqualified for cheating at Military World GamesA Chinese team has been kicked out of its own Military World Games after other countries alerted judges to "extensive cheating" by the hosts.AMP-CNN-COM.CDN.AMPPROJECT.ORG0 0 Comments 0 Shares
- CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT | SOC in the second stage of the groups! Bertens defeated world leader! Categorical score in favor of Osaka's replacement
Kiki Bertens entered the Championship Tournament in reserve position after taking the place of the injured Naomi Osaka, who was injured in the shoulder.
Surprise at the Champions Tournament, where Kiki Bertens reserve just defeated WTA leader Ashleigh Barty.
The match started favorably for the Australian, with Ashleigh approaching the first set with a score of 6-3. After a solid and constant year, however, Kiki had the physical and psychological strength to come back and prevail in the second phase of the group stage, winning the last two sets, score 6-3, 6-4.
Kiki Bertens, although reserve, now occupies the first position in the Red Group standings
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https://m.sport.ro/tenis/turneul-campioanelor-soc-in-etapa-a-doua-a-grupelor-bertens-a-invins-liderul-mondial-scor-categoric-in.htmlCHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT | SOC in the second stage of the groups! Bertens defeated world leader! Categorical score in favor of Osaka's replacement Kiki Bertens entered the Championship Tournament in reserve position after taking the place of the injured Naomi Osaka, who was injured in the shoulder. Surprise at the Champions Tournament, where Kiki Bertens reserve just defeated WTA leader Ashleigh Barty. The match started favorably for the Australian, with Ashleigh approaching the first set with a score of 6-3. After a solid and constant year, however, Kiki had the physical and psychological strength to come back and prevail in the second phase of the group stage, winning the last two sets, score 6-3, 6-4. Kiki Bertens, although reserve, now occupies the first position in the Red Group standings Continue on https://m.sport.ro/tenis/turneul-campioanelor-soc-in-etapa-a-doua-a-grupelor-bertens-a-invins-liderul-mondial-scor-categoric-in.htmlTURNEUL CAMPIOANELOR | SOC in etapa a doua a grupelor! Bertens a invins liderul mondial! Scor categoric in favoarea inlocuitoarei lui Osaka | Sport.roSurpriza la Turneul Campioanelor, unde rezerva Kiki Bertens a invins tocmai liderul clasamentului WTA, Ashleigh Barty. Partida a inceput favorabil pentru australianca, Ashleigh apropiindu-si prM.SPORT.RO1 0 Comments 0 Shares