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    There is arguably no one better qualified than Canada’s Sean McColl to throw light on the preparations being made by those hoping to win sport climbing’s first ever Olympic gold medal. The 31-year-old has been competing at the very top for more than two decades and was a leading advocate for Olympic inclusion. As the overall world champion in four of the past 10 seasons, he is also one of the favourites for golden glory in Tokyo.

    First up, McColl is keen to point out that the biggest challenge for many has been adapting to the fact that sport climbing’s first Olympic champion will be the athlete with the best combined result based on scores across three traditionally separate disciplines – lead, bouldering and speed.

    “There is no blueprint on how to train for all three [disciplines] at the same time,” said McColl, the current world No.5 in the combined format. “You can’t look historically, you can’t even ask many older competitors. Each of us is really having to decide what percentage of time we will spend on each discipline.”

    Secrets of sport climbing with four-time world champion Sean McColl - Olympic News
    The formula for excelling at sport climbing, one of five sports joining the Olympic programme at the Tokyo 2020 Games, is wild and varied. It can range from never doing the dishes to employing a 100m sprint coach, as Canada’s all-round expert Sean McColl reveals.
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  • Real Madrid move past ManU as most valuable football brand: Report
    By Kunal Dhyani

    Real Madrid,Premier League Clubs,Manchester United,Premier League,UEFA Champions League

    Spanish giants Real Madrid have overtaken Premier League club Manchester United as the most valuable football brand in the world.

    According to Brand Finance’s annual report – Football 50 2019 the most valuable and strongest football brands May 2019, Real Madrid’s brand value at present is over €1.6 billion (US$1.79 billion). This amounts to a 26.9% annual growth from 2018 to 2019.

    In contrast, Real Madrid brand value has dropped by 6% to €1.472 billion ($ 1.88bn). The change in fortunes meant that Real Madrid returns as the most valuable football brand after nine years. The LaLiga Club has also emerged as the strongest football brand, yet again leaving behind the 20-time Premier League champions Manchester United.

    Source: brandfinance.com

    Brand Finance’s methodology takes in factors such as match day revenue, broadcast revenue and commercial revenue. It then produces a Brand Strength Index (BSI) score out of 100 and uses this to extrapolate future revenue estimations using royalty rates.

    Also Read: Zidane returns to Real Madrid at ₹ 20 lakh per day salary!

    Adidas extend Real Madrid partnership with reported $1.23 bn deal

    The combination of commercial revenues and on pitch success in the UEFA Champions League has propelled Los Blancos to the pinnacle of the value pyramid. Real Madrid received €70 million (US$78.4 million) from sponsors Emirates and €110 million (US$123.2 million) from Adidas, whilst their match day revenues totalled €143 million (US$160.2 million).

    Bryn Anderson, Brand Finance director, said: “Real Madrid have shown this year who truly reigns supreme in the world of football. They triumph not only as the most valuable and strongest brand but their enterprise value and stadium are also ranked second to none.”

    Barcelona are in third spot in terms of brand value, followed by Bayern Munich and then Manchester City, who head Liverpool.

    Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur make up six of the top 10 clubs with PSG trading places with Arsenal to go eight in the ranking. The most notable absentee from the top 10 is Italy’s Juventus.

    Also Read: Real Madrid reveal $590 mn plan for ‘best football stadium’

    Real Madrid all set for $1.8 billion deal with Adidas

    The report explained how poor results and uninspired play have hurt United’s value:

    “Manchester United have disappointed in recent years on the playing field both in the Premier League and in the UEFA Champions League. Public perceptions of the brand have deteriorated as Manchester United ranks only 18th among the sample of the world’s top clubs with regards to ‘playing exciting football’, as revealed by Brand Finance’s original fan research.”

    Brand Finance has also released a video explaining how Real Madrid managed to topple Manchester United atop the most valuable and strongest football brands’ list.

    Looking at the top 50 ranking the dominance of the Premier League is evident with 17 clubs making up 43% of total brand value, point out the report authors. They also highlight that the Bundesliga follows closely behind the Premier League with 13 clubs in the top 50, but collectively their brand value ranks behind LaLiga.

    For video, photos and entire articol, access
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    Dominated by: Marija Vukovic Marija high above the competition Vuković's fifth consecutive time triumphs in a jump up. Tomas Djurovic won silver in the throwing of the ball and Ana Bošković bronze in the throwing of the spear G stood for the judo, they continued athletes. Bar was yesterday reserved for the queen of sports, where three new medals for Montenegro were brought by athletes. Marija Vuković jumped from 186 centimeters to the fifth consecutive gold in the jump up to the Games of small countries in Europe.
    The rain disturbed the schedule slightly, so we waited for the start of the competition for a long time. The competition was not particularly strong, so I started playing when other competitors finished. I am satisfied, I won the fifth time in the Games of Small European Countries. Of course, the result can be better and better - Maria promised.
    Irena Bošković finished seventh in the competition, with a 165cm jump.
    Tomas Djurovic threw the ball up to 19.40 meters. Better was only Bob Bertemes from Luxembourg (20.57 meters), while the bronze was awarded to Icelandic Gujnason (17.83). The second representative of Montenegro in throwing the ball, Risto Drobnjak, finished the stage lower than the winner's base since 16.01.
    Ana Bošković won the bronze medal in the throwing of the spear with a score of 42.10 meters. Darko Pešić stopped at the medal jump. The Montenegrin athlete jumped 7.15 meters in length and took fourth place. The best was Christos Padelides from Cyprus (7.38), while he was finishing with Fransoe Gralea of ​​Luxembourg (7.37). In a race at 800 meters, Aleksandar Miletic took the seventh position with a time of 2.01,86 minutes. Miloš Dragović finished the race at 5,000 meters in ninth place with a time of 16:16:66 minutes. Kristijan Subotić and Luka Rakić failed to qualify for the finals of the sprint, as did Srdjan Maric and Edin Erović in the 400m race.NJ
    Gold Gold Silver Bronze Total
    Luxembourg 14 13 8 35
    Liechtenstein 7 2 2 11
    Cyprus 6 10 4 20
    Monaco 6 7 10
    Iceland 5 5 8 18
    Montenegro 4 1 3 8
    Malta 2 5 7 14
    Andorra 1 1 6 8
    San Marino 0 1 3 4
    For more access https://www.dan.co.me/?nivo=3&rubrika=Sport&clanak=698390&datum=2019-05-30
    Marija visoko iznad konkurencije
    Vukovićeva peti put uzastopno trijumfovala u skoku uvis. Tomaš Đurović osvojio srebro u bacanju kugle, a Ana Bošković bronzu u bacanju koplja
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  • https://m.lequipe.fr/Sport-et-style/Design/Diaporama/Les-chaussures-les-plus-originales-des-playoffs/7529
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  • https://m.lequipe.fr/Sport-et-style/Design/Diaporama/Les-looks-les-plus-marquants-de-roland-garros/7542
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  • Football, the second religion for Pope Francis. He pays an important amount annually to be social at a football club

    Pope Francis was born in Buenos Aires on December 17, 1936. The childhood spent on the outskirts of the capital of Argentina has set footprints on him. Like the neighborhood friends, Pope Francis (born Jorge Mario Bergoglio) chose to be the supporter of San Lorenzo.
    Boca Juniors, River Plate, Independiente, Racing and San Lorenzo de Almagro are the five major football clubs in Argentina. San Lorenzo, the team that Pope Francis loves, has the gallery with the richest repertoire of songs. It was also one of the reasons why the Pontiff Sovereign chose to be a contributing member.
    Pope Francis became Pontiff Sovereign on March 13, 2013
    Since 2008, when he was appointed archbishop of Buenos Aires, Pope Francis has the honor of being a member of the Argentine team, San Lorenzo. Buenos Aires Deputy President Marcelo Tinelli told Fox Sports that the Pontiff Sovereign did not give up his favorite team and continues to pay the monthly fee. In order to be social at San Lorenzo, you have to pay an annual amount of between 280 and 590 US dollars.
    In 2013, San Lorenzo won the championship in Argentina, and the team was invited to the Vatican. Pope Francis received a custom t-shirt.
    The last two Pontifi sovereigns loved football
    Pope John Paul II (born Karol Józef Wojtyła) played football and was a goalkeeper in the high school team in Wadowice (Poland). His successor, Pope Benedict XVI (born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger), has been sympathetic to Bayern since childhood.
    For more access
    Fotbalul, a doua religie pentru Papa Francisc. Plăteşte anual o sumă importantă pentru a fi socio la un club de fotbal
    Papa Francisc s-a născut la Buenos Aires pe 17 decembrie 1936. Copilăria petrecută la periferia capitalei Argentinei şi-a pus amprenta asupra sa. La fel ca prietenii din cartier, Papa Francisc (născut Jorge Mario Bergoglio) a ales să fie suporterul celor de la San Lorenzo.
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  • Great party Bjelica for the victory of Serbia in Italy
    The women's volleyball team of Serbia defeated the Dominican Republic 3-1 (25:17, 18:25, 25:12, 25:19) in the League of Nations.

    SOURCE: B92
    Pedja Milosavljevic / STARSPORT

    The match of the second week of the competition was played in the Connel in Italy, and the selection of Serbia recorded a total third victory in the competition.

    Prior to this match, selectors of Zoran Terzic were defeated by the USA selection.
    For more access https://www.b92.net/sport/odbojka/vesti.php?yyyy=2019&mm=05&dd=29&nav_id=1548283
    Sjajna partija Bjelice za pobedu Srbije u Italiji
    Ženska odbojkaška reprezentacija Srbije je pobedila Dominikansku Republiku sa 3-1 (25:17, 18:25, 25:12, 25:19) u takmièenju Lige nacija.
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    SIMONA HALEP - MAGDA LINETTE // Boris Becker, about a possible partnership with Halep: "He needs to have someone next door"

    Simona Halep at Roland Garros // PHOTO: Guliver / Getty Images

    Simona Halep, 27, 3 WTA, is currently playing against the Polish Magda Linette in the second round of Roland Garros. Before the match today, former big tennis player Boris Becker, 51, spoke about Roland Garros en-titre champion.

    Simona Halep is due today with Polish Magda Linette, 27, 83 WTA, in Round II of Roland Garros. The game will be liveTEXT on GSP.ro and live at Eurosport Romania.
    "Darren Cahill's collaboration - Simona Halep went perfectly, as long as it did. But I think any top player needs to have someone in the really important and difficult moments. Not in tours 1 or 2, but when you reach a higher stage, as a semi-final or final, you feel the need for a player to have someone important around you with whom you can talk freely, to release yourself in front of a key match. And it is also true for Simona

    I like Simona very much, can come to me whenever to ask me anything, I would help her with great dear, but I could not train her. I never trained a woman. It is very difficult to train in the masculine circuit, let alone in the female, " Boris Becker said , according to Fanatik .

    Simona Halep is currently coached by Daniel Dobre, who was the first official coach of the Romanian after the breakup from Australian Darren Cahill, which was held in November 2018. For more https://www.gsp.ro/sporturi/tenis/simona-halep-magda-linette-boris-becker-despre-un-posibil-parteneriat-cu-simona-halep-568337.html
    SIMONA HALEP - MAGDA LINETTE // Boris Becker, despre un posibil parteneriat cu Halep: „Are nevoie să aibă pe cineva alături”
    SIMONA HALEP - MAGDA LINETTE // Boris Becker, despre un posibil parteneriat cu Halep: „Are nevoie să aibă pe cineva.
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  • https://www.footballbenchmark.com/library/football_clubs_valuation_the_european_elite_2019
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  • Canada in euphoria, Raptors without fear of debut, "Spajsi Pi" knocked out a champion!

    Toronto opened the series with 118: 109 win, the host was not impressed by the fact that for the first time in history, it plays for the ring. Do the job without mistake ...
    Canada in euphoria, Raptors without fear of debauchery, Photo: Nathan Denette / The Canadian Press via AP

    A great Canadian party. If there was a fear that they would break underground in the first NBA Finals outside the US, none of that.

    They looked very mature, controlled the match against a much more experienced rivals, we remind Voriors that this is the fifth battle to end in a row.

    The hall was crowded, Toronto is in euphoria, the atmosphere is generally better in this field than across the border, so it is clear that after almost a quarter of a century of existence for fans this series means.

    He shone Pascal Siacam scored 32 points, a record of his career, he could not choose a better moment. Leonard added 23 points, Gasol 20. On the other hand, Kari 34, Clay Thompson 21, this is the first lost game of Voriors at the start of the finals. However, for the first time, the title series opens all of its halls.

    By half, there were +10 for domestic, Cameroon Siakam, or "Spajsi Pi" as they call it, put 14 out of 17 shots, and was the key. Kavaji is not as dominant as in the previous three rounds where it scored more than 31 points per match, but added points to 8 points and 5 assists. Let's say that Durant is uncertain for the second match in Canada on Sunday, but Steve will probably have to throw him in the fire.

    For more access https://www.sportske.net/vest/kosarka/kanada-u-euforiji-raptorsi-bez-straha-na-debiju-spajsi-pi-nokautirao-sampiona-377936.html
    Kanada u euforiji, Raptorsi bez straha na debiju, "Spajsi Pi" nokautirao šampiona!
    Toronto otvorio seriju pobedom 118:109, domaćin nije bio impresioniran činjenicom da prvi put u istoriji igra za prsten. Odradili posao bez greške...
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