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  • CTP, clear verdict: "Halep is an accident, but Andreescu is a top product!". He explained why Bianca won the US Open
    Author: Amir Kiarash

    Cristian Tudor Popescu, a great supporter of Simona Halep, had a realistic speech when she compared her favorite with the new queen of women's tennis.

    Bianca Andreescu is 19, in her first season in the tennis elite, three important trophies: Indian Wells, Rogers Cup and US Open. By comparison, Halep, who turns 28 this month, won her first Grand Slam last year and this season.

    inRead invented by Teads
    Perhaps many are in a hurry now to draw a conclusion: Andreescu is better than Halep. Which can be true, too, but with one caveat: Halep has become the most consistent player on the circuit in a country where there is no support program for athletes. Basically, "Simo" simply succeeded, because he is a genius of tennis, a talent so great that he got where he got, without benefiting from the investments of its rivals from other countries.

    This is exactly what Cristian Tudor Popescu referred to, in an intervention on Digi 24, when he made a comparison between Halep and Andreescu.

    What did Cristian Tudor Popoescu say?

    * Simona is a happy event, while Bianca is a top product, a superb product of a clear system, where she invested at the federation level. You see this thing on it, you see what it has in the back, the security with which it says: I came here to play with the legend Serena. Not by chance, but because I worked. He does not stumble like a shooting dog.

    * If I think about it, looking at this 19-year-old girl, the feeling Simona has always given us, it is impossible to suppress me, with all the great joy at Roland Garros, at Wimbledon.

    * Always in Simona I had a hidden fear behind my mind. While, looking at Bianca, I see after this victory and her future victories. Have you seen how conscious he is of what he did, how little he dramatized?

    * Therefore, he managed to overcome that moment of the match ball. Why? Because she didn't do a drama, she didn't think that was the ball of her life. If she had thought so, she would have lost the match, but she remained calm. She is a player from whom we expect equally great results in the future

    * Looking at her face, how she moves, what is the difference between the two big victories? Simona won at Wimbledon as at Călugăreni: with a resilient, resilient defense with which he was able to destabilize Williams.

    * From the beginning, Bianca Andreescu entered the field from the beginning as a tournament knight who faces another tournament knight. He looked at the attitude, gesture, with the same level with Serena Williams, as opposed to Simona, who entered the field, mentally, with the second chance to win.

    * Andreescu transmitted it from the beginning to Serena Williams: we fight side by side. You launch, I have too. You have a sword, I have too. I can throw the shield aside and fight for free, against it. I can do what you want, I won't withdraw, I won't take any side steps.

    * Attack, Serena, Bianca immediately responds with attack. This was the match in the mirror, a frontal battle between the two that won the most precious result, Bianca. It can be said that Bianca beat Serena Williams on her tongue.
    Continue on https://m.adevarul.ro/news/sport/ctp-verdict-clar-halep-e-intamplare-andreescu-e-produs-top-explicat-bianca-castigat-us-open-1_5d74f24c892c0bb0c668074a/index.html
    CTP, verdict clar: „Halep e o întâmplare, dar Andreescu e un produs de top!“. A explicat de ce Bianca a câştigat US Open
    Cristian Tudor Popescu, un mare susţinător al Simonei Halep, a avut un discurs realist atunci când a făcut o comparaţie între favorita ei şi noua regină a tenisului feminin.
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  • They secretly beat Virgil van Dijk. The Dutchman becomes the highest paid quarterback in the world

    Liverpool have reached an agreement with defender Virgil van Dijk to extend the contract, the English media reports.

    According to Mirror, the Dutch international agreed last week for a six-year contract with the Anfield group. The new deal between Virgil van Dijk and Liverpool is set to expire in 2025, two years later than the contract signed at the time of the transfer from Southampton, in early 2018.

    As a result of this agreement, Virgil van Dijk chooses a significant salary increase, from 125,000 pounds a week to 200,000 pounds (about 222,000 euros). The Dutchman will thus become the best paid quarterback in the world.

    85 million euros paid Liverpool for the transfer of Virgil van Dijk, who has had very solid developments in the "Cormorants" shirt so far. 78 matches, eight goals and five decisive passes drew the Dutchman to Liverpool.
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    Au bătut palma în secret cu Virgil van Dijk. Olandezul devine cel mai bine plătit fundaş din lume
    Liverpool a ajuns la un acord cu fundaşul Virgil van Dijk pentru prelungirea contractului, anunţă presa engleză.
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  • Four hot ideas about the US Open final. From Bianca's formidable power to what we feel when we see her winning for another country

    Hard reaction. When Serena came back from 1-5 to 5-5 and seriously threatened with a decisive set in which she would become a favorite, we told ourselves in the newsroom that "now let's see what Bibi is made of". Indeed, in all this glittering ascent of her, which began in the first days of the year, at […]

    Hard reaction. When Serena came back from 1-5 to 5-5 and seriously threatened with a decisive set in which she would become a favorite, we told ourselves in the newsroom that "now let's see what Bibi is made of".

    Indeed, in all this flashy ascension of her, which began in the first days of the year, in Auckland, I have often seen Bianca managing impressively various difficult situations. In some matches he returned to the table from difficult situations. In others, he drove and saw his advantage evaporate, but he came back and won anyway. Bianca has boldness on the field and there is nothing wrong with that; his courage is sustained by the weapons he has and uses so inspired, especially in difficult times.

    But nothing she has experienced before in her career so far is not compared to the huge pressure she must have felt when she saw that advantage evaporate, when she saw Serena clearing her game, when he heard and saw the grandstand tumbling over it, maybe he realized the chance escaped between his fingers, for the moment. This is something that is not practiced anywhere, you have to be made of something special so you can manage the moment without going crazy. Bianca is really "an old soul in a young body", as the Americans have said, that is, in other words, her behavior (on the field and not only) is much before her age.

    It is impressive that Bianca won a Grand Slam, but what I saw this summer from her, it is not entirely shocking. But it is really impressive that he did not lose those moments from 5-5 up. As well as the way he handled the ceremony, the joy controlled from the end, the relationship with the public, the speech. These things tell us a lot about the future of her career.

    Serena takes it from the end. Serena Williams has to wait for the title 24, and now it becomes a major problem for her: her fourth consecutive Grand Slam final that she not only loses, but loses categorically. Nobody is immune to mental blockages, not even Serena. And if in the matches with Kerber, Osaka and Simona Halep she had a very good reply, against Biancai her game overall was very poor - except, however, that pride replica of the end, which was to be her bring at least set two.

    After all, does it matter if he doesn't win the 24th? Not really; I am not a fan of tennis asterisks, but Margaret Court's record comes with some serious asterisks (many of them were won at AO, when the top players did not come to Antiposes). And as we have been convinced in these years, the records are not all in tennis. Serena's impact in tennis is beyond that of 23 or the eventual 24. And maybe just when she will be able to relax and forget about this increasing pressure from one tournament to another, it will be then that she will be able to do it. and win. Somehow, similar to what he did today in the second set, when he managed to forget the score, he reconciled with the outcome and started the game.

    Serena remains competitive and should not be excluded from the calculations, especially for the Australian Open (which is not that far). It is true that it will be harder for her from one year to the next, it is true that three years have passed since her last Slam title. But let's not forget that, outside of the final, Serena reached her best level in this tournament, which she was finally healthy, which she didn't have much of this season. You cannot exclude any denouement in tennis. What the tennis world can do is relax with the madness of this title 24.

    A big wow for the situation in Race to Shenzhen. The list of the eight players who occupy, at the end of the US Open, the places eligible for the WTA Finals is really impressive:

    1. Barty, 2. Simona Halep, 3. Pliskova, 4. Bianca Andreescu, 5. Serena Williams, 6. Kvitova, 7. Osaka, 8. Bencic. The first four will most likely be beaten for the 1st place at the end of the year, not being excluded for him to play again on the last hundred meters.

    As for the Tournament of Champions, if Serena qualifies and chooses not to come, as she did in Singapore a few years ago, who has to replace her? Apart from the top 8 there are other very competent players, starting with Svitolina, Bertens and Konta. A few years ago, the reproach of many was that there was no dominant player. We are all beginning to believe in the benefits of this situation. All these players listed above have gained important things lately, they can all beat anyone, all build a reputation and an increasingly beautiful business card. And this agglomeration from the top is already preparing the ground for the 2020 season and for the next great battles.

    Returning to Bianca. It is, first and foremost, her performance, then her parents', two Romanians who took a huge risk and left for Canada, to give their child a chance at a better life and more opportunities. It is also the victory of Tennis Canada, the organized system that helped Bianca and made her way to a genuine, complete and fast breakthrough (this article from four years ago gives us a bit of context about Tennis Canada's work).

    From thousands of kilometers away, Romanians look at Bianca's performance with pride, sincere joy, but also with mixed feelings. We all see them in the comments on Social Media, where they regret regrets or even harsher reactions, dissatisfaction that Bianca defends the colors of another country - words that betray, after all, a bad opinion. It is somewhat new to us and we may not know exactly how we should proceed.

    It is clear that we all wanted Bianca to represent Romania. But that's not happening. Yes, Bianca speaks decent Romanian and appreciates the support of Romanian fans. But he is a Canadian citizen, this is a train that has left, and we have to have an uncomfortable discussion with us about how we relate and what we feel when we see a world-class champion, with the potential to dominate this sport, born of Romanians who felt that they had no chance in their country. That it's not worth the wait anymore. And, especially, what more can be done for other valuable children to be born and stay here.

    There are high chances that this situation will recur soon, if not in tennis, then surely in other sports: there are millions of Romanians who have left in recent years, whose children are born in their countries of adoption. We are a country that is not at war, which is not in a crisis of resources, which has not been ravaged by any urgency of nature, but which continues to lose population by fire automatically. Of these children born elsewhere, some may choose to represent Romania - as happens in some cases from the new wave that comes to football. But most will listen to another anthem when they win important titles.

    In a year when Simona Halep won Wimbledon, her second Slam title, and has a solid chance of finishing third in a row in 1st place, we now see Bianca taking on the world tennis scene. A scene that will remain for a long time to come. During this time, the heavy discussions, about the system, about the juniors and bringing children to tennis, about the conditions, about changes of mentality, about education, about how not to shout at the stadium "Hai, Bianca!" Or "Hai, Simona!", just when your favorite is served, all of this is late. Instead, very likely, we will lose, once again, in discussions of pride and wear, which we will end exhausted, possibly with some jokes. Then we will hope, that each time, the solution will come individually, from a family like Simona's parents, who will lead on their own, as she can, all the hard. Only that, at the current pace, the future of such a family could become like the Andreescu family and lead the hard, but also the victories, elsewhere.
    Continue on https://www.treizecizero.ro/news/patru-idei-la-cald-despre-finala-us-open-de-la-puterea-formidabila-a-biancai-la-ce-simtim-noi-cand-o-vedem-castigand-pentru-alta-tara
    Patru idei la cald despre finala US Open. De la puterea formidabilă a Biancăi la ce simțim noi când o vedem câștigând pentru altă țară - Treizecizero
    Reacția la greu. Când Serena a revenit de la 1-5 la 5-5 și amenința serios cu un set decisiv în care ar fi redevenit favorită, ne-am zis în redacție că “acum să vedem din ce e făcută Bibi”. Într-adevăr, în toată această ascensiune fulminantă a ei, care a început în primele zile ale anului, la …
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  • https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/08/tennis/bianca-andreescu-us-open-serena-williams-tennis-spt-intl/index.html
    Bianca Andreescu: How a fake check inspired the US Open champion
    Years ago, Bianca Andreescu wrote her name and the prize money for winning the US Open on a mock-up check.
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  • Rafael Nadal (ATP 2) won the US Open for the fourth time in his career on Sunday-evening. The 33-year-old Spaniard defeated the Russian Daniil Medvedev (ATP 5) in the final on Flushing Meadows after 4 hours and 49 minutes of tennis in five sets (7-5, 6-3, 5-7, 4-6 and 6-4) ). It is for Nadal his nineteenth grand slash victory. He counts one less than absolute record holder Roger Federer.

    The fascinating final showed many long changes of strokes. Nadal seemed on his way to a triumph in three sets, but Medvedev turned out to have unexpected qualities and powers. With a brilliant game at times, he forced Nadal to the limit. However, the Spanish fighter boss fought back in the fifth set and finally used his third match point.

    US Open Tennis

    Championship Point 💪💪

    The moment @RafaelNadal captured his 4th title in Flushing Meadows...#USOpen

    Ingesloten video
    04:25 - 9 sep. 2019
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    19th Grand Slam

    With winning the US Open, Nadal took his 19th grand slam title and the fourth time this title. Nadal won the tournament in New York earlier in 2010, 2013 and 2017. For the Mallorcan, it is the fourth tournament victory of the year after Rome (May), Roland Garros (June) and Montreal (August). At the Australian Open he lost the final, at Wimbledon he went out in the semi-finals. He immediately announced that he would return to New York in 2020 to defend his title.

    For the 23-year-old Medvedev it was his first grand slam finale. The Muscovite had an excellent summer with tournament win in Cincinnati (against David Goffin) and lost finals in Washington and Montreal (against Nadal). He also won the ATP tournaments in Sydney (January 2018), Winston-Salem (August 2018), Tokyo (October 2018) and Sofia (February 2019).

    US Open Tennis

    Rafael Nadal propels himself to victory at the #USOpen with the help of this backhand, cross-court winner to secure a crucial 5th set break against Daniil Medvedev in today’s AI Highlight of the Day, insights by @IBM Watson

    "He forced me to the limit"

    "An incredible final," Nadal responded. “Tonight everyone has seen what my opponent has in store. The way he gave a party forced me to the limit. I couldn't have made it without the energy in this stadium. I can't remember playing such a tough final. "

    With winning the US Open, Nadal won his 19th grand slam title. He immediately announced that he would return to New York in 2020 to defend his title.

    Losing finalist Daniil Medvedev received an ovational applause from the audience. He mentioned Nadal as an example for 100 million children who play tennis. “After the two lost sets, I thought I'd get rid of it in three sets. Somehow I found the energy and got the courage from the public to fight back. When I saw the images of Nadal's earlier finals on the screen, I thought 'what would they show if I had won?', A joking Medvedev wondered.
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    Rafael Nadal wint voor vierde keer US Open na bijna vijf uur toptennis in finale: “Hij dwong me tot het uiterste”
    Rafael Nadal (ATP 2) heeft zondagavond voor de vierde keer in zijn carrière de US Open gewonnen. De 33-jarige Spanjaard versloeg in de finale op Flushing M...
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    Beach volleyball 10/09/2019

    Rome, Italy, September 10, 2019 – The 2019 FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour Finals cemented its place as a truly global event this weekend, with over 70 countries worldwide broadcasting live footage from the Foro Italico in Rome.

    PHOTO Men's gold medallists Viacheslav Krasilnikov (left) and Oleg Stoyanovskiy of Russia

    Russian pairing Viacheslav Krasilnikov and Oleg Stoyanovskiy won the men’s competition while Margareta Kozuch and Laura Ludwig from Germany championed in the women’s event.

    PHOTO Women's gold medallists Laura Ludwig (left) and Margareta Kozuch of Germany

    Over the five-day event, which was jointly organised by the FIVB in partnership with Sport e Salute, the Italian Volleyball Federation (FIPAV) and the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI), Italian national broadcaster RAI showed 16 matches live and more than 18,500 fans were in attendance to deliver an electric atmosphere and ensure another memorable Finals.

    “This was a fantastic experience. It is very important, not only for the level of matches, but the level of the enthusiasm from the crowd,” FIPAV President Bruno Cattaneo said.

    “There was a great spirit of the people and it was a great experience for us as organisers. It has inspired us and we want to replicate this with other major volleyball and beach volleyball events.”

    PHOTO A packed centre court at the World Tour Finals in Rome

    In total, the Finals generated more than 36 million impressions via the FIVB, FIPAV and Rome Beach Finals channels. More than 1,000 pieces of content were shared via Facebook and Instagram, registering 160,000 engaged users talking about beach volleyball.

    On site, the FIVB’s Good Net project saw great interaction from both athletes and fans, while more than 80% of waste was successfully recycled. In addition, the first Sustainability Conference was held as part of the wider World Tour Finals programme, which saw eight guest speakers give their thoughts and share their experiences on how sport can be a major player in the drive for global sustainability.

    FIVB General Director Fabio Azevedo said of the 2019 FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour Finals:

    "The event has been great and will be used as a model for future events. The athletes and other stakeholders are very happy to be a part of this movement, and the result of this event confirms our vision for the future of beach volleyball."
    Continue on https://www.fivb.com/en/about/news/world-tour-finals-continues-to-attract-global?id=88819
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